You've made it! Problem is - we don't want you to leave! For this reason a virus has been installed on your computer - if you close this page, every person (contact) on your computer will be emailed with details of your porn perversion. This virus can be disarmed by reading carefully & following the details below.

How would you feel if you your mum, dad, grandma, uncles, aunts, teachers, friends, pastors, boss, workers knew of your secret habits? Would you be able to look them in the face? Well hopefully that won't happen - read each fact to get out of here :)
Fact 1
There are NO SECRETS! - you are NEVER alone. God is always in the room with you and can see everything you do.
Fact 2
Porn is adultery - you are lusting after a woman or man (or whatever) in a sexual way. This is adultery of the heart. Longing for someone who is posing for the camera. Adultery is sin, violating God's law and your marriage and your conscience.
Fact 3
Masturbation is silly - and sin. Having sex with yourself is not the intimate and selfless relational act that God intended - but self-gratifying and dirty. Looking at women / men who are violating their own bodies & often are very ashamed afterwards. Sometimes it is even against their will - abuse, rape and molestation.
Facts More! (click)
If you are continually looking for explicit images / videos / phone calls - you probably already know what a trap it is. You may go through a cycle - sexual pressure, acting out, sex act, guilt / despair, resolution to not do it again.

It seems harmless to start with - but as time goes on it can become more & more of a trap - and it
never brings fulfillment or intimacy. In fact it will destroy intimacy in real relationships that you have - just like a drug addiction.

You see we all have parts of our mind that cause us to do things without our knowing. The
reasons behind these simple choices can expose our true state of being.

true self may be in pain, bored, anxious, stressed, lonely, depressed etc and you don't even know - you just keep doing things to avoid it.


If so - you will need help!

Now go to www.god.ploth.com and MEET GOD. He is the only one who can heal you at every level and forgive you.
Want 2 b FREE?

you don't have to always chase...you can find what your true self is
really looking for.

You want (crave) something because you are missing something or trying to avoid something.

Are you lonely, scared, in pain, bored?

What you
really need is below.
Life will never be fulfilling - it will always be empty - until you discover the reason why you were Created. Sure you can get a small fix from what you are looking for - but it doesn't last and leaves you wanting more. You need to be freed from this meaningless life.

Only God can free you. Don't switch off now - I'm not talking religion or some silly chant...but the most profound truth you can realize. You were
designed to be close with God. The One True God - Jesus!. Until you are at one with Him you will be empty, addicted, hopeless and condemned.

Believe it or not you are already on a journey with Jesus! The fact that you are here proves that. It is not coincidence or luck or google that is responsible but God. He loves you & wants you to be free & wants to be your friend, protector, father and wants to save you from a place you probably don't think exists.

He knows what makes you tick, what pains & hurts you have suffered and what is just around the corner.

But don't take my word for it - click
HERE to continue on your journey and allow Jesus to convince you beyond doubt of His power & love for you.